We are devoted to solving the mystery of lupus, one of the world's cruelest, most unpredictable, and devastating diseases, while giving caring support to those who suffer from its brutal impact.

Navigating the Pediatric Lupus Journey Webinar Series: Part 2 -: Digging into the Details

This webinar is designed for parent(s)/guardians of children or teens diagnosed with lupus or those needing more information. The webinar will feature an in-depth look at lupus after the shock of the initial diagnosis with Kelly Rouster-Stevens, Md, PharmD pediatric rheumatologist from Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and a panel discussion that includes Dr. Rouster-Stevens, Andrea Knight MD, MSCE at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and parents of children with lupus. 
Topics include: 
  • Recognizing and preventing a flare Infection Prevention 
  • What does this new normal look like 
  • Importance of medications

Time: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

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